Thursday, March 18, 2010

hack mails


FOUR WAYS TO hack a Email ID. This is last time.
Here are six ways:-

1.) This is the most efficient method of all. And you need is to download Keyloggers(These are the softwares that copy the login information of the user on which they are installed).

So you might have guessed that you need to install that on his computer & wait for him to login to his id. The advantage of using keyloggers is that they are hidden to the user. Even from Add?Remove Programs in Control Panel don't show them. Another advantage is that they can be used for spying. Some keyloggers can copy the urls of websites they visit. So a indespencible tool for parents for spying their childred. Last but not the least Some keyloggers like Ghost Keyloger can even email you the password. But it is a paid software you can download the demo version just google it & then google it for cracks.

2.) This method is used when you don't have physical access to his computer which most of you won't have.
You need RAT(Remote Access Tool). With RAT you just need to change its setting to send the victom's password to
your desired email. Then attach it to your mail & send it to the victom's mail.

Note:- You need to fool user in opening the attachment like renaming it to something like 'Small Game' or 'Nice Game' etc.
. ur choice. When victom opens it you get the password. But now-a-days new RATs are discovered & cleared by mail
providers. So make sure you get a new one downloaded.

3.) In this method just go to the email providers homepage write victom's id & click forgot password.
Then you need to get some information from the victom by chatting. Ask casually where u live. Wats ur birthday.

4.) Fake page login. Just make a fake lookalike page of the email provider & send the victom the link to it.
Whenhe logins that page will store that password which you can retrive later.

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